ISSN: 2687-5349 / E-ISSN: 2687-5411 / PERIOD: Quarterly / YEAR OF START: 2019 / PUBLISHER: Istanbul Yeni Yuzyil University

Yeni Yüzyıl
Journal of Medical Sciences

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Değerli Meslektaşlarımız, 05 02 sayısında dergimiz Yeni Yüzyıl Journal of Medical Sciences’tan Merhaba, Bir editörün başına gelebilecek en kötü şeyin yazısının “klasik, klişelerle dolu” damgasını yemesidir diye düşü- nürdüm. Bugün kurucu bir hocanın, bir arkadaşın arka- sından bu sorumluluğu yüklenmenin, onun emeğini nasıl anlatacağıma karar vermenin, nasıl teşekkür edeceğimi bilemememin herşeyden çok daha kötü bir şey olduğunu yaşayarak öğreniyorum. İçerik başlıklarını sırayla satırla- ra sıralayıp klasik bir editör yazısı yazmayı denedim fakat “söylemek istediklerim” ağır bastı. Sizlerin çok zamanınızı almadan dergimizin kısa tarihine birkaç satır not düşmek istiyorum. Son paragrafta da kısaca sayımızı tanıtacağım.


Health impact assessment concept and Turkish experience

Batı dünyasında özellikle son yıllarda ulusal ve/veya yerel düzeyde geliştirilen projelerin toplumsal ve bireysel sağlık üzerine etkisini irdelemek amacıyla “sağlık etki değerlendirilmesi (SED)” kavramı bir yöntem olarak önerilmektedir.1 Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nün (DSÖ) de desteğini alan bu süreç ülkemizde de uygulanmaya başlanmış olup makalemizde bu kavram ve ülkemizdeki durumu tartışılacaktır.

Authors: Ali Şefik KÖPRÜLÜ, Asım Orçun OKUR, Haydar SUR

Page Number: 33-36

Pharmacy and Artificial Intelligence

With the realization of the Industry 4.0 revolution, concepts have been re-interpreted and new concepts such as artificial intelligence have emerged. However, up-to-date technologies have emerged with concepts such as blockchain, imaging internet, and 5G. The further introduction of technology into our lives has made significant contributions to health services such as appointments, prescribing, and patient follow-up.

Authors: Büşra Sude YANARTAŞ, Hilal KUDAY

Page Number: 37-47

The Nature of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha and Its Role in Human Biology

Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) is a critical transcription factor that plays a central role in the cellular response to oxygen levels. HIF-1α is involved in cellular adaptation to hypoxia in eukaryotes and all vertebrates and invertebrates. More than a hundred gene binding sites have been identified on fifteen chromosomes. It plays a critical role in metabolism, angiogenesis, hematopoiesis, proliferation and migration of epithelial cells, bone metabolism, erythropoiesis, immunity, inflammation, cancer, epigenetic regulation, apoptosis and autophagy.

Authors: Nurettin Onur KUTLU, İlhan YAYLIM

Page Number: 48-55

Environmental Measurements and Assessment of Risks by Hea Method in a University Oral Health Practice and Research Center

It is well recognised that workplace safety procedures followed by organisations that offer oral and dental health care services play a significant role in preventing potential workplace accidents and illnesses. These institutions coexist with risk factors that are physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, psychosocial, and so on. In institutions where oral and dental health services are offered, there are departments such dentistry units, laboratories, and sterilization units; staff members are required to act in line with occupational health and safety regulations and display the utmost sensitivity at all times. A risk analysis study using the FMEA (Failure Types and Effects Analysis) method was conducted in this situation in order to identify the risks and implement the appropriate safety measures in the Oral and Dental Health Application and Research Center.

Authors: Sedat ÜLGÜ, Tolga BARIŞIK, Hafiz Hulusi ACAR

Page Number: 56-67

65-75 Years Old Relationship Between Cardiovascular Risk and Fracture Risk

AIM: The aim of our study is to determine the relationship between fracture risk and cardiovascular risk in patients aged 67-75 years. METHOD: Detailed anamnesis of the patients was taken and physical examinations were performed. Laboratory parameters including fasting plasma glucose, lipid profile, kidney, liver, thyroid functions and complete blood count were examined. Bone mineral densities were measured. Using the information obtained, cardiovascular risk scores (Framingham, SCORE, Q-Risk and BNF) and fracture risk scores (FRAX) were calculated. All cardiovascular risk score results were compared separately with FRAX and it was investigated whether there was a relationship between them.

Authors: Ece YİĞİT, Dogaç OKŞEN, Sema Uçak BASAT

Page Number: 68-74

Evaluation of HumDNA Typing (Yanhuang-PCR) Kit for Usability and Reliability in Forensic Sciences and Comparison with Two Different PCR Kits (Identifiler Plus & GlobalFiler)

Forensic science is a multidisciplinary field in which experts in different fields collaborate to shed light on crime. Forensic genetics, a discipline to distinguish crime commuters/innocents, has a great place within the scope of forensic sciences. Here, Short Tandem Repeat (STR) analyses are the most frequently conducted forensic genetic analyses applied in interval situations such as kinship determinations, parenting tests, comparison of evidence obtained from the crime scene and/or suspects, or identification of individuals.


Page Number: 75-82

Effects of the Pandemic on Mental Health of General Population and Healthcare Professionals

Dear editor We read the article titled “Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Anxiety and Treatment Adherence in Orthodontic and Dental Patients" prepared by Elhalık and Trakyalı and published in the third issue of your magazine in 2023 with great interest (1). We thank the author and the editorial board for the article discussing the impact of the pandemic on the health behavior of orthodontic and dental patients in the light of current literature. We would like to mention a few points to contribute to the discussion of the study.

Authors: Serdar ÖZDEMİR, Abuzer ÖZKAN

Page Number: 83-84

31 JULY 2024

Volume:5 Issue:3 is published.